Unlock exclusive offers & rewards with FitSwoop+

Save on every booking with FitSwoop+

Just $19.99/mo, cancel anytime.

Your wellness journey just got more rewarding

Access to offers & experiences

Keep swooping and we'll send you exclusive rewards from industry-leading brands.

Exclusive cash back rewards

Stay active and we'll drop cash back into your wallet, redeemable in-app.

Exclusive cash back rewards

Keep active and we'll drop cash back into your wallet, redeemable in-app.

FitSwoop+ and Wallet features are currently only available on the mobile app. See app for more details.

Get the FitSwoop app

Download. Book. And Swoop into your favorite studio.

Get the FitSwoop app

Download. Book. And Swoop into your favorite studio.

Get the FitSwoop app

Download. Book. And Swoop into your favorite studio.